Drama. The Macedonian prefecture of Drama, is located on the north-eastern edge of Greece, on the border with Bulgaria. Plains and mountains, mountain chalets and ski slopes, beautiful forests, flocks of birds, fertile soil and endless tobacco fields are characteristic of this area. There are caves with colored stalactites, beautiful rivers and streams.
The town of Drama is the capital of the prefecture of the same name. The town lies on the slopes of the mountain Falakros, referred to by locals as "The Flower Mountain." It is a mountain with great scenery, ski centers, and four well-equipped refuges for mountaineers. The city is almost hidden by the lush vegetation. There is abundant water and flowers. Severty kilometers (43 mi) from Drama is the beautiful forest of Vlatia (Karadere) with fir, oak, beech and red pine, some of which can achieve a height of 50 meters (164 ft).
1. The Ecclesiastical museum. You can get a guided tour of the history of the Orthodox Church
2. the "green" park of Agia Varvara.
3. Byzantine walls in the center of Drama town
4. the Ethnological museum (Likio Ellinidon)
5. the archaeological museum
6. Shopping
7. Nightlife (bars, nightclubs) here is excellent!
Both buses and trains connect Athens and Thessaloniki to Drama.
Text: Yorgos and Wendy Nikolidakis - Revised by Katrina Butzer