The Prespes lakes. Great Prespa is the second largest of the Dessaretian Lakes, located at the border triangle of Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia (Golema Prespa, 176.8 sq km/68 sq. mi), Albania (Liqeni Prespes, 49.4 sq km/19 sq mi) and Greece (Megali (Great) Prespa is 47.8 sq km/18.5 sq. mi). Great and Small Prespa are the highest lakes in the Balkans, standing at an altitude of 853 meters (2,800 ft) above sea level. The total area of the three lakes is 274 sq. km. The deepest point of the lakes is 58 meters (190 ft). These lakes serve as a station for migratory birds. One can observe special birds here. The Albanian and Greek banks are extremely remote. The lakes are a protected area (since 1974) and Greece's largest nature reserve. The first cross-border in the Balkans and is a particularly important wetland for birds.